Found two NNCI's (Nearly New Cormet Instrument) aka PLCI's (PreLoved Cormet Instrument) available in ebay. Customer has relocated and have not reinstalled these instruments.

Wet steam corrosion testing device
The three-testing-cell instrument operates at max. 200°C temperature and 16 bar pressure. The recirculation loop provides wet steam with the controlled humidity in the boiler. The testing cells have cooled coupons on which the humidity condensates. The wet steam can carry the corrosive contaminants in droplets or aerosol. The purpose of the instrument was apparently to perform SCC or regular corrosion tests in low pressure steam turbine or its condenser environment.
This instrument has been built on 1997 and updated / upgraded on 2009 at Cormet.

A sub-atmospheric steam corrosion testing device
The other instrument has been designed for the operation in sub-atmospheric steam phase with 20 mbara - 1000 mbara operation pressure and 20°C - 100°C operation temperature. One could install regular coupons or four point bending frames or spring loaded tensile specimens on the cooled specimen holders. The operation environment was supposed to simulate steam turbine environment during a shut-down.
The instrument has been designed, built and installed at Customer's premises on 2009.

Obviously I do not know the condition of the instruments, but they look fairly good to me. In any case, one would have to reinstall the data acquisition and make test runs to check how much they need updating and upgrading.
I have mixed feelings about the decommissioning and scrap-price selling of these instruments. Seeing Cormet's instruments as second-hand items tells me that Cormet's brand exists and Cormet has been in the market for a while.
It was fun to design and build these steam loops as they were something different from the SCC/CF loading devices and water phase recirculation loops that we usually build. I was proud that we had the know-how to build these instruments. Naturally, it would be sad to see them demolished. Hopefully someone finds them and wants to refurbish them! Cormet is ready to support their renaissance!